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Does Moissanite Pass Diamond Tester?


“YES ,NO, OR MAY-BE! It's all up to the method used while testing”.

Moissanite is popular for its brilliance and durability. However, the ability of moissanite to pass a diamond tester can vary depending on the type of tester used.

YES, Moissanite can sometimes pass a diamond tester because it equally has a higher chance of passing a diamond test that solely relies on thermal conductivity, such as tester pen, because it is also an effective conductor of heat similar to diamonds that is the reason moissanite may mimic the visual appearance of  diamonds to some extent.However more advanced diamond testers that measure or check both thermal and electrical conductivity will correctly and accurately identify moissanite as distinct from diamonds.

Here Are the Detailed Look Why?

Moissanite is chemically different from real diamonds. Moissanites heat tolerance, its brilliance, sparkle and density are such mind-blowing properties of its nature.However It's essential for jewellers to use modified testing equipment to ensure correct and accurate identification of moissanite with the help of a diamond tester..

There are two kinds of diamond testers :-

1}Thermal conductivity testers, which might sometimes misidentify moissanite as diamonds

2}Electrical conductivity testers, which can reliably differentiate between the two.

Home Method or Fog Test:

It is a simple method which is known as a fog test. The fog test is not always accurate. Environmental conditions (like humidity or temperature) and the cleanliness of the gemstone can affect the results. You can test at home but it does not give you a foolproof as it is not  the accurate method to get assured whether it is a diamond or moissanite.


Does Moissanite Has the Best Sparkle as Diamonds?

ABSOLUTELY! Moissanite has the best sparkle as diamonds due to its unique refractive properties. A higher refractive index typically results in greater brilliance and sparkle which contribute significantly to its visually impressive aura and exceptional brightness and colour dispersion.

Can Moissanite Sink or Float in Water?

YES. Moissanite can sink fairly quickly if they are heavy enough, even though they are not as dense as a diamond.

Does Heat Damage Moissanite?

Moissanite is highly durable, stable and tough and indeed extremely resistant to scratching, abrasion, breaking and chipping. So, NO heat cannot damage Moissanite, its high heat tolerance and its properties are marvellous.

What to Avoid with Moissanite?

Chemical found in everyday routine like household items such as shampoos, soaps, hair-sprays, perfumes, and cleaning products such as dish-wash, etc... can degrade your moissanite if used regularly. Make sure to remove your moissanite jewelry when you use these products.

Can Moissanite Be Confused with Diamonds?

YES! Because of moissanite’s brilliance, fire, hardness, durability and shine, it looks similar to diamonds to the naked eye and one can be confused easily. However, with proper testing and examination by a professional jeweler, the differences between the two can be identified.

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